Blog 19 – Sharpie is all terrain.

Today in class while taking notes about the french revolution, I was writing very quickly and not looking down at my notebook. Suddenly I felt my pens slip and begin to write on the table. It was ugly chicken scratch. I mean, I dunno how you guys take notes buttttttt… I do not suggest you do what I do (drawing on tables). Then i thought about it. Huh, I bet professors get really sick of writing equations on boards then running out of room. I bet they wish they could just keep going. I started drawing out an Idea of a professor writing his math equations on the board and the walls Etc. Ect.


When I began to turn it into a finished photo with photoshop stock photos… It was a nightmare- None of the photos looked good, the sizes were off, pixels, none correct images… It was a nightmare. SO instead  of all that i sat down and re-drew my rough draft.


Basically Its a professor with a sharpie who was writing on his piece of paper and he begins to run out of room. He continues to write until he bursts from his page onto the wall. When he writes on the wall his equations get longer and more in depth, he begins to draw his examples instead of dull notes. He becomes more engaging now that he is not limited to his small paper. The teacher is now full of confidence in his subject instead of being bored by his dull class. Sharpie crosses all boundaries- and unlike my pen- his writing gets better where he goes because sharpie is ALL TERRAIN!

monster-truck-flip-o Have a great day guys! ~Ave

Blog 18- a Holiday blog! :D

So the last two blogs have been really sad, so i’m gonna pull myself outta that rut and plunge straight into my idea. I’ve been thinking about things I really really love lately and I started thinking about my favorite day of the year! HALLOWEEN! 

giphy-7Why not start thinking about it early? Like really early. Because thats crazy thats why not. So I started thinking about something else- Christmas. I started thinking about christmas mail and how important it is to little kids. How when writing that tiny letter, it holds infinite secrets. Or it says you want an FBI kit from santa. EITHER WAY! When i was little i had a thing where i would only write in pen – if it was important. That way i knew it would stay… That thought still holds true. So if letters to santa have to be written in pen to stay safe think of all the other important documents that should be written in sharpie. So instead of a fully fleshed out idea i’m going to give you three that i like equal amounts!

1. The constitution written in sharpie

2. A lost dog poster in the rain.

3.A letter to santa.

All of these will be followed with the tag line. Sharpie for those important messages. or Sharpie- when your confident.  My final thought is Sharpie- for things that matter.  Let me know what you guys think and have a great day!

P.s. – While evaluating I’ve noticed iv’e had a few with no final project which isn’t necessary but i feel like i should work more on.

Blog 17 – stop sulking and start sharping!

Hello world! Im getting better hopefully. I mean aside from the fact that i’m like an eagle over my poor phone. But you guys probably don’t wanna hear that sad story- your like “Avery we get it. we all have guys problems stop brooding.” Fine I will.


Lets move onto the ad- I was talking to Megan to make myself feel better when she gave me an idea.  What I’m thinking is maybe a guy is giving a presentation to a large  group of people and he is gesticulating all about and he doesn’t want to look ill prepared by having flash cards so he writes everything on his hand. After 20 minuets of talking he wipes his forehead. Uh-oh. BAD MOVE! Now you have ink and marker all over your face and your hand notes are messed up. Now you fail your presentation, and your job AND YOUR LIFE! 😦


Now what? Lets take a rewind. Lets start this presentation again. suddenly he’s cool, calm, confident. Suddenly he’s aplomb and knows what he’s doing. He waves and gesticulates less than normal. People stand and cheer! He’s gets the job, and his new boss walks over to shake his hand.  With his opposite hand he slides his hand into his back pocket and what is in his hand? a sharpie and a palm full of crisp clear notes. Freeze Frame. And that my dear children is how we make a sharpie ad. If you guys have any questions or thoughts hit me up! Thanks guys!

Blog 16- Lets take a moment to evaluate!


Hey guys Im sorry I’ve been a little behind these past few days. Honestly, its been really rough. My boyfriend just broke up with me and i’ve been sulking. I know this is a school blog but to tell you the truth I spend so much time writing this thing I feel like its a part of my life now. So the next few blogs may be kinda somber, because after 2 years of talking to Steve everyday it’s gonna be really tough not talking. Yet, I can’t shake this feeling of hope. I mean if two people love each other in the end – It has to work out, right? So instead of crying i’m going to do what he’s always done. Work. But I’m going to learn something from this. I’m gonna try to work extra hard, not only in classes but in life for the next few weeks. I feel like if I can prove to myself that i’m strong and driven, I can prove it to anyone. So this made me think about other people and how much worse they must be hurting. How sad and horrible life can be sometimes. So I was thinking about how something everyone needs in life – is something they can rely on during life’s hard moments. Whether it be a girl who’s bullied and she’s just scribbling on a bully’s picture or a woman who has written down a hotline number for an abusive moment. And while I can’t say sharpie has been there for my scary/ sad moments. I can see how it’s something confident, and reliable that people can use to pull their lives together.


It’s been tough lately guys but don’t worry! it can only go up from here! Have a great day… and please root for me? ❤

Blog 15 – I actually made a gif!

So while thinking of how to be remarkable, I decided to make something I could talk about. Something I could be proud of. Something I could bring up and be genuinely proud of. So below you see my first sharpie creation that has given me complete confidence in myself and in the brand. I Not only feel very creative, but i feel like I have something I can show people and be like”oh my god guys! look what I made!” I drew the below picture over about 2 hours with 20 different Sharpies, imported it into Photoshop cs3. Changed the hue and saturation on every frame then strung them together and created a gif! I hope you guys like it! it was a 7+ hour project! 🙂  Have a lovely day!

Final finished gay bear

Blog 14- You know what scares me?

I recently got critique that I should do less of my life, and more of my process… That I should be more creative with the brand. SO! I’m gonna try to do that. but… I can’t abandon my gifs… I feel they are what sets my blog apart from every other mundane one out there – all of them are about sharpies, all of them are APLOMB! Sometimes to be creative in a class full of creative kids, the only thing to do is be uncreative. Because this blog is about showing how creative you are, how your idea, how YOUR sharpies stand out among the pack. (PUN INTENDED) and In a class of 150 Awesome, intelligent, creative kids. I think what sets my blog apart from theirs is my blog is a conformist in a group of only non-conformists (get it? Im creative even though Im the only not creative. It’s cool!) So I’m going to keep relaying aplomb through my work – by keeping my blogs the way they are full of gifs and stories 🙂


Now lets get back to our brand, sharpies. Ah lovely little things. While thinking about what scared me, I decided to doodle. While doodling I noticed that I wasn’t going slow like usual, for some reason with my sharpie I was confident is my scribbles and didn’t care how they looked. So I thought maybe I could have a post about confidence through sharpie art, but how would I relate it to fear? Whats scary is that i’ll have to show my art to people- or lets amp it up.My theme was “What scares you?”. I took 3 minuets to draw each photo you see below- to make it more intense and less critical. Usually It takes me hours to draw something but with sharpie on my side I have no fear in showing you guys my scribbles. I think this is a good message, the best way to fight fear is with some thing you can trust by your side. something reliable. Something permanent.  Until next time guys! Adios!

IMG_1592 IMG_1589 IMG_1591  IMG_1590IMG_1593

Blog 13 – What scares me? TRYPOPHOBIA

What scares me? WHAT SCARES ME? I will tell you a fun tale about this week that is not only full of fear but also, remarkable. I gave myself a phobia over the weekend. Yeas that right a PHOBIA! Its called trypophobia -it’s a fear of small holes and or clumps of dark circles. Its sounds super stupid right? NAH, people Photoshop pictures of tiny holes in peoples skin and I was like “No…no, no,no,no,no…” I couldn’t sleep for the next 2 nights after googleing those images. GO AHEAD. GOOGLE IT. YOU’LL GET THE PHOBIA TOO.


Now we come to the real question. How do we face our fears? How do we conquer them? Knowledge? Power? What if with both? Sharpie could allow us to do that – whether it be conquering a term paper or conquering your nightmares. I started thinking of ways to depict someone battling their fears, which gave me the idea of actually battling fears! WHat if whenever you were scared you could just battle your fears? Face them out right? Be a remarkable and confident person- no matter what the fear is! Thus the creation below! I hope you guys have a great week!Remarkable

Blog 12- Do something bold… I mean scary?

hqdefaultOkay, what scares me? What’s bold? What is APLOMB? How about a story from my past? A tale from the big pop-up book called Avery’s misadventures! The most courageous thing I’ve ever done is when I was home over the summer after senior year of High School when I went cliff jumping with my best friend Allyson. Armed with nothing but a bikini and a hair tie Allyson and I leapt off of a 55-foot cliff in the the cold yet clear waters of an abandoned rock quarry below us. We almost hit each other on the way down and time slowed down as we fell. When I hit the water my feet felt a pain they had never encountered before and top hung on for dear life. But despite the fear, pain and sheer stupidity of it- I in no way regret it. (The above cliff is the very one I jumped from the top of! :D)

Now you may ask – what about your brand Avery? This is why we read this blog for the sharpies! Well what I was thinking was confidence to take your sharpie anywhere and everywhere with you. Like writing on bikes or Jetski’s. Something awesome! So I tried a few Ideas, wrote on my bike, and a wall, and a rock, and a door… none quite worked out. then I thought of what I should have used while jumping… a f**king helmet. So I wrote DANGER on my bike helmet and shot it at a cool angle and TADA! A prototype advertisement was born! Hope you guys enjoy! Have a smashing day! Toodles!

(Insert idea)

Also, I never blog without a gif so I went with funny today instead of a practical gif! ENJOY


Blog 11- Collaboration from some of the oddest places

Photo on 2-22-15 at 9.58 PM

Sanity? I barley know the meaning anymore! For my final collaboration piece I was having some trouble figuring out what to do. I considered working with my friend Allyson, but she’s really far away and just got into tech. Uhgg people with lives and goals… Anywho, Then I thought of Sarah, Joe, Diamyn (again), lily or even Steve. Plans fell through due to poor planning and bad weather. So after cooking Riki and I some lovely rice from the dollar tree and hotdogs from Kroger, we headed to the library regretting what we had consumed. I sat there in awe, at how bored a single human being could be while reading Fredrick Douglass. After finishing that I moved to UNIV_112 and history, dreading my worst enemy. Curiousness!!!! So after texting 100 people asking to collaborate and dragging my face on the desk like a 4 year not being allowed to go to chucky cheese. Riki snapped- “Why don’t you just write confident on something and like color it??!?!”  He then went on to grumble about a mutual friends or laugh out loud about – and I quote – the yak stating

  “Isn’t it cute how raccoons and deer take place on the sides of roads? ❤

                                                                                                                           Reply:  ‘Oh Honey…'”tumblr_m6azxw0k3m1r7uk8d

Yup, The man had to fan his eyes at that one… don’t ask why, cause I don’t know. He did however give me an Idea. I had been having alot of trouble with Aplomb lately, maybe this campaign could be confidence instead of artistic freedom? The confident standout among us, they make us want to be better people. You can spot them in a room from 1000 miles away, you can deftinently spot them if they have a sharpie 😉 SO I now present to you the photoshop masterpiece below! Have a great weekend and as always – You stay classy San Deigo.

Meeting Picture copy

Photo references

Blog 10- A wall of collaboration!

Why hello my little kittens who are heavily bundled up in mittens cause it’s COLD as hell outside! Like I am very Unamused by the weather outside to day- it’s frigid, snowy, and hurts when the wind pimp slaps you back in place. And can we just discuss the architect at VCU who was like hmmm…. lets put all these building close together to create the ice vortex from hell! That way when avery rolls out of bed and outside, we can knock her ugly ass over. BAM!! Thats what you get for never updating your blog ~ love the wind1329414634_dog_slap

But Back to topic! I’m really excited about my newest idea, I think It’s really creative and cool! Okay so I went to Lowes and stole a bunch of paint swatches. Like A Boss. Then I went home and tried to think of ways that I could have everyone collaborate with me and these swatches. It hit me when I asked my roommate to draw on one and she said she was scared. She wasn’t confident In her drawing abilities- SHE WASNT APLOMB! So I went to everyone I knew and asked them to draw on any swatch they chose. Any color and any picture. This took a lot of convincing- but when I was finally finished, almost everyone on my floor had drawn on a swatch. It was really cute and unifying and everyone was actually proud of their drawings. I’m not sure how but just by drawing with the sharpies everyone ignored how good at art they were and doodled. It was really nice and we now have a beautiful decoration!


I think what stands out most is the mixing of art styles. Lacey’s small moose in the upper corner, Steve’s block of cheese, Lily’s cloud, Reyna’s naked woman, or Maddie’s tree’s! I selected a few to enlarge and show you cuys how the colors really mix well and the talents range with the personality and style of drawing!

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Until next time guys! Keep you’re feet out of the slush and try not to fall down on top of strangers and make a scene! (*cough cough* who would do that?)